Frequently asked questions
Kayak + Canadian
What is the difference between Kayak, Canoe and Canadian canoe?
A kayak is a long narrow boat propelled by a person seated in the boat by means double paddle that has a blade both end of the paddle.
A Canadian canoe has a somewhat wider beam and higher freeboard, is equipped with seat-boards, for kneeling position, whereby the buttocks rest on the seat-board. The boat is operated by spade like paddle, with a blade at one end only.
Canoe is the general term for kayaks and Canadian canoes and is commonly applied for the Indian style “Canadian canoe”.
Is it possible to enter a Kayak/Canadian canoe from to water?
To enter on your own requires some practice.
With two persons it is easier, when one person counter balances to help the entering person and keep the boat level. Much easier it is with an outrigger.
How capsize resistant are kayaks / canadian canoes?
By way of high buoyancy kayaks / Canadian canoes are very stable and capsize resistant.
One ought to bear in mind though, that the narrower the boat, the smaller the wetted surface, the easier it becomes to capsize.
Can a HOLIDAY 2 be used as a 1-seater?
The HOLIDAY 2 comes with triangle fittings for 1 seater application as standard.
Therefore it may be used as 1-seater or 2-seater!
What shall I do, when the boat tends to bear off course too easy?
If it is a kayak, use a stern-mounted steering device!
A course stabilising-fin is very helpful and available for all boat types.
What experience is there about a dog on board?
Yes – that happens quite frequently.
Because of the more generous space, the Canadian canoe is particular suited for that.
Although, boat-skin stands up to claws of dogs, a cover or old blanket could be placed on the floor for protection.
Can the OUTSIDE or ADVENTURE be used by double paddle?
Canadian canoes are design in principle for single paddle propulsion.
You may of course use double paddle without problem.
Quite often double paddle option is used, in particular by beginners.
Can the OUTSIDE or ADVENTURE be propelled by double paddle?
Canadian canoes are design in principle for single paddle propulsion.
You may of course use double paddle without problem.
Quite often double paddle option is used, in particular by beginners.
Does the ADVENTURE TEAM qualify under raft Ö-Standard?
For reason of the length-/beam ratio, the ADVENTURE TEAM does not conform to the Raft OE-Norm standard V5868 and therefore is NO rafting boat.
As such specific regulations applicable to rafting boats do not apply.The ADVENTURE TEAM is a “Canadian canoe” to which norm standard ISO/EN 6185 applies. There is no regulation as to private deployment.
Commercial use though – against payment falls under “Concession for rafting-operator companies”.
It is within the scope of the respective licencing authority (provincial government) to decide on any country specific regulations. -
Why is the payload to the HYPE limited to 90 kg?
Because of the safety in white water.
The HYPE is classified for white water category 4. For this use, optimal maneuverability and sufficient buoyancy are required. With a higher payload, both are reduced.
For white water category 2, a higher payload would theoretically be possible. To ensure safety even for white water category 4, the payload is limited to 90 kg. If the boat is overloaded, the maneuverability is reduced and it has more draft.
If you want to ride in the calm water, we recommend models with a long waterline, which are track-steady on calm waters and offer a lot of payload: TRAMPER, HOLIDAY 2, EXCAPE 1.