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Contact + opening hours


Head Office Haag

Weistracher Strasse 11

3350 Haag


Our head office in Haag houses the Boat World, Sales, Administration, Warehouse & Shipping, Purchasing & Production and Sewing departments.

Inflatable boat manufacture

Wolkersdorf 6

4131 Kirchberg


Our inflatable boat manufactory in Kirchberg is purely a production site. There is no sale there! Only repairs should be sent or brought directly to our manufactory. Advance booking by telephone is necessary!

We look forward to your visit!

The Grabner headquarters in Haag is open all year* during factory hours. Boats can be tested and ordered on site. 

* except Christmas/New Year, winding days (between holidays) only on request.

Opening hours

Grabner Head Office Haag
Monday - Thursday 7-12, 13-16 Uhr
Friday 7-12 Uhr

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Grabner Bootstestsee Haag
Monday - Thursday 8-12, 13-16 Uhr
Friday 8-12 Uhr

Open from March to October. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Grabner Bootswelt Haag
Monday - Thursday 8-12, 13-16 Uhr
Friday 8-12 Uhr

Samstag, Sonn- und Feiertage geschlossen.

Schlauchboote Manufaktur Kirchberg
Monday - Thursday 7-12 Uhr 12:30-15 Uhr
Friday closed

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Contact request

First name, last name and email address will only be used to answer your questions. The data will not be passed on.

* Mandatory fields